Sunday, January 4, 2009


Pro-cra-sti-na-tion - A four syllable word, writing which takes so much time - no doubt the meaning of the word is to keep putting things for tomorrow.

While I write this blog, I wonder what is it that makes people procrastinate. I have been wanting to blog regularly, but this one comes almost three months after my last blog. So coming back to my thought as to what could be the possible reason for procrastinating?

There are clearly two types of procrastinators -
1) Those who push each and every thing for a later date. They just do not want to take any initiative and will keep things hanging till the last minute

2) Those who tend to procrastinate only a few things out of all the things that they do in their daily lives

Today, I want to talk about people who come into the second category.

Let me try and put down some of the plausible reasons of procrastination for these kind of people (including me)
1) Lack of time - This is one reason that comes to mind, when there is great interest and desire to do something, but yet one is not able to do something.

2) Low committment - People need to be pushed to do things, where they do not feel committed to do something. The irony is that lot of people are not committed to the idea of committment itself, and they tend to push that as well.

3) Less passion and interest - When people do not have a very high passion and interest for something, they tend to not give it too much importance and so those things keep getting pushed to the sidelines.

4) Low on priority - In such situations, people have the interest to do something, but they feel that there are other more important, urgent or pressing concerns or things to be done, and as a result, few other things get moved to the bottom of the list.

5) Difficult to do something - Sometimes, people do not want to tackle difficult situations or problems immediately and want to put it off, till as long as possible. They tend to do all the other easier things first and they feel that, it will be better to tackle this difficult problem later, when all the other easier things are dealt with.

6) Feeling of pressure and deadlines - There are some people, who just love the feeling of deadlines closing in. When the pressure gets to them, their creative levels and energy levels go up by a great notch, and so these people will keep certain things on hold till the time, the deadline comes within breathing distance.

I think these are some of the reasons, which I could think of, which lead people to procrastinate. Some of these reasons hold good for the same person in different situations, so you may not be able to put down one single reason on a person.

I would just like to end this blog with Kabir's Doha, which I had studied in school:

Kal Kare so Aaj Kar, Aaj kare so Ab
Pal mein Parlay hoegi, Bahuri Karega Kab?