‘Change is the only constant’ is an oft repeated and heard term. Yes, it is true that change is inevitable. Anyone living on this planet is constantly a part of some change that is taking place though he/she may not be involved directly in that change.
In fact, movement from day to night and from one month to the other is nothing but a change. Some of these changes tend to become a part of our normal life and then they are not seen as change any more but rather seen as part of a daily routine.
Through this blog, I want to talk about the emotions that go inside one’s heart and mind on few of the relevant changes that take place in one’s life.
Let me put down some of the big changes and the emotions that come with it:
Change of role: This normally means that either one has got promoted or one has moved from one function to the other or one brand to the other. The kind of emotion that one feels with this change is that of a sense of bigger responsibility. There is also the feeling that one has to perform very welll to once again prove to everyone in the organisation that the role given to one is completely apt, so there is a sense of eagerness and keenness in accepting the change.
Emotions: Sense of responsibility, Feeling of challenge as well victory, Eagerness
Change of house: The emotion that one feels when this change is taking place is that of positivity as one is looking at a bright future ahead. One has already started thinking as to what will he buy to decorate the house and make it have an identity and personality that matches with the people staying in it.
Emotions: Positivity, Bright
Change of city: One normally changes his city for education or better job opportunities. This change has feelings of excitement and curiosity as one is keen to explore and understand the new city, its culture, its language and its finer nuances.
Emotions: Curiosity, Excitement
Change of partner: When there is a change of partner, what that means is that one has had a partner in the past also and for some reason things did not work out. So initially, the emotions would have been that of depression, mistrust, failure but when you are just getting involved with a new partner, the emotions that come alive are that of anticipation of future, excitement, elation, anxiety
Emotions: Anticipation, Excitement, Elation
Change of marital status: Change of marital status in this context means someone losing his bachelorhood to enter a married life. The emotions that come with this change are that of apprehension, anticipation, excitement, happiness, delight
Emotions: Joy, excitement, delight, thrill
Change of job: Change of job brings in two sets of emotions. One is that of positivity and brightness due to improvement in life and lifestyle with a better opportunity. The other set of emotions emerge from the thought of joining a completely new place with new people, which brings in emotions like anxiety, anticipation, eagerness, inquisitiveness, etc.
Emotions: Trepidation, anxiety, eagerness
As is evident from above, there are a number of big changes that one goes through in one’s life but each change brings its own set of emotions – some experienced before and some being experienced for the first time.
That is why it makes sense when someone says ‘Feel the change’.