Sunday, April 28, 2013


When I start tapping the keys on my keyboard to write a blog, there is always a topic I want to talk about and share my views about. But today, it is different as the idea was to blog again after a long time but there was no topic to talk about. 

I kept thinking and trying to recall all those topics that had popped up in my head while driving or working or travelling, hoping that since they popped up from the head, they would remain there. But realization happened today, when none of those topics that vie for my share of mind came out today while I was struggling to write something. Seemed like they were enjoying this game of Hide and Seek with me. 

So finally giving up on that, I suddenly remembered that sometime back, someone who reads my blogs had asked me to write a blog with the assumption that it would be the last blog from me. Now that is an extremely interesting, complex and difficult thought to write on. But then therein lies the fun of putting something together on such a topic. 

If this would have been the last blog from me, chances are that I would have said all that I wanted to ever tell to the world and nothing more would be left for me to say. Something like that could only happen when one’s mind stops processing as the human brain will always have ideas, thoughts, opinions till the time it is active and the person is alive. 

The other reason this may be the last blog could be that this phenomenon and magical world called the Internet would be coming to an end and hence rather than choosing to put forward my last blog, I may be forced to end my blogs with one last blog. In that case, my last blog would actually be an amalgamation of so many blogs or rather thoughts of what I still intend to say and put forward to all of you. 

My last blog would probably cover various genres – fiction, poetry, philosophy, humor, observations of life and the world. But then who knows that a mixture of so many things would appear so gibberish to people that they might say themselves “I am glad that he decided to end his blogs. He had stopped making any sense!” 

Now before that happens and I leave you guys confused, I would like to bring a conclusion to this blog. 

But then, there is another thought that strikes me as I come to an end of this blog. Chances are that when I would be putting my last blog, I may not even know that this is going to be my last blog and hence some of the things that I have said above may actually not even appear in that blog. 

In fact, one thing is for sure. If it were my last blog, the headline of the blog would not be the same. After all, there is no reason for an If when there is a sure and certain eventuality to something. 

Think about it!

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