Saturday, October 26, 2019

2019: TOP 100 BRANDS

The annual list of the top 100 brands by Interbrand is out. As expected, #technology and electronic companies occupy more than half of the top 10 spots. 

While the usual suspects are all there, there are quite a few surprises this year: 1. #Facebook has dropped out of the Top 10 for the first time, since it first entered the Top 10 ranks!
2. There are three new entrants to the list: LinkedIn, Uber and Dell Technologies 
3. The Walt Disney Company enters the Top 10 for the first time since its 96 year history!
4. When compared to 2001, the year this list was published for the first time, only 31 brands remain in the Top 100!
5. There is only one #FMCG in the Top 10.
6. #Apple at first rank is valued at $ 234 Bn. while Prada at 100th rank is valued at $ 4.8 Bn.

There are some key lessons here: 
1. A success today is no guarantee of success tomorrow, unless you show results consistently. 
2. Persistence pays, as seen for Disney.
3. Entering into this list is the first step to the door of growth and brand equity. Staying there is an annual challenge.

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