Thursday, October 24, 2019


When the Apple watch was launched in 2015, the #Time magazine had a very eye-catching cover on their digital edition with statistics that said that 50 million Americans are never offline. Wearable #technology was expected to boom across markets and the numbers expected to rise with every decade. Since then, many other big and small companies have joined the bandwagon with their own versions of #digital watches. But wearables also ask you to give up control. Your phone starts telling you what you should and shouldn’t eat and how far you should run. It gets in between you and your body and mediates that relationship. Wearables also make your physical self visible to the virtual world in the form of information, just like any other device. 

I am wondering, by 2020, how would the numbers look like globally for people who are never offline.

Are you one of them?

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