Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens

'Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens'.

Simple words but with so much meaning! Every time your curiosity gets piqued, you speak to ask questions and to gain knowledge. But do not forget, that quite often, to attain wisdom, you have to listen.

There are so many instances in meetings, in conversations, in debates where people keep on speaking to show their #knowledge but they do not want to listen to attain #wisdom. If only they stop to listen more, they will be able to know more.

There is a reason why humans have two ears and only one mouth. So that you can listen more!

There is also a reason why the owl is considered the smartest and the wisest bird in the forest or in the darkness. It relies on its listening ability. 

So next time, do remember that Knowledge speaks and Wisdom listens.

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